South Park Zone
South Park - Season 14 - Episode 1411 - Coon 2: Hindsight a.k.a. Rise of Captain Hindsight
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South Park Coon 2: Hindsight a.k.a. Rise of Captain Hindsight
About this South Park Episode:The Coon now leads an entire team of crime-fighters,which includes Mysterion, Toolshed, Iron Maiden, Tupperware, Mosquito, Mintberry Crunch and Human Kite, although Cartman is intent on taking all the glory. A fire breaks out in a local apartment building, and Cartman gets his mother to drive them over. Before they can take any action, though, Captain Hindsight, a renowned hero, arrives at the burning hotel, to a standing ovation. Although all he does is tell them of safety measures that should have been taken, and then leaves. People are thereafter all relieved and promptly abandon the burning building, leaving fourteen people remaining in the apartment to burn to death. In the aftermath, Cartman concludes that they will need to get Captain Hindsight to join them in order to regain their former glory. After Cartman's lack of success in recruiting Hindsight, he devises a plan for blackmailing him. He intends to do this by dressing Butters up as Courtney Love and taking pictures of him having sex with a homeless person, to later photoshop Hindsight's face to the latter and put the pictures on the internet if he still does not join them.
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