Friday, March 25, 2011

Why does Eric Cartman hate Jews?

Why does Eric Cartman hate Jews?

Q by "Anonymous": why does Cartman hate jews so much. besides their greediness, rat-likeness, and those stupid frisbees they wear on their curly heads, i see no problem with them.

Eric Cartman is the South Park character that represents intolerance. He doesn't hate only Jews, he is overweight, spoiled, lazy, foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, racist, sexist, anti-semitic (he sees Hitler as being "cool"), sociopath, narcissistic, and ill-tempered. Most people however seem to cling to the Jew hating the most because kyle is a Jew and obviously (for more reasons than being a Jew) Cartman hates kyle. so obviously Cartman would poke at the most sensitive area of Kyle in order to grind his gears. but if you really think Cartman's hate is only for the Jews then you haven't watched enough South Park.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My uncle Walt said....

Q by "Anonymous": yesterday my uncle Walt said that he loved me and he wanted to be with me for all eternity. then he waited until we were alone and he pulled off my clothes and raped me. is this normal? i asked my friends and they said it happened to them a couple of times before. then my dad walked in and joined in with my uncle. they said it was okay because they loved me
: Another trolling question which has no connection to South Park show whatsoever. Anyway I'll play along. In the above mentioned situation, your uncle Walt and your dad are pedophiles, I'm sure you know that if you are smart enough to know how to write and use a computer. The sad part is that this kind of shit is happening for real out there and it is outrageous. The children abused this way will never be the same again, and usually they end up doing the same mistake as adults so you see this is a vicious circle. If you ever see or hear anything suspicious regarding this matter, do not hesitate to call the police and you might stop a tragedy to happen and remember that pedophiles are never welcome even in prison. If a cop killer in prison is a hero, a pedophile is a f*cked up guy literally and figuratively. For the future I recommend you to be a funny Troll. Everyone loves funny trolls :D